7 Day Candle - Gray Pullout

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Gray candles are associated with the internal worlds of the mind, the subconscious, intuition, psychic development, and the dream state. Gray can also be used to remove and block negative energies, such as to quash an argument or to deflect envy. It is a good color to use when pondering a complex matter or making a difficult decision, as it represents neutrality, balance, and stability.

Candle magic is a simple and intuitive form of sympathetic magic that helps to magnify your intentions and manifest your desires. Elements such as the color of the candle, how it is dressed, and the timing and intent with which the candle is lit allow you to personalize your candle ritual in a way that reflects and magnifies your desire.

Color is a form of vibrational energy that reflects and influences its environment, so choose a candle color that resonates with your intent.

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