Incense Storage Box - Om - 89180

Availability: In stock (2)

After using this gorgeous incense box, you may never go back to simple incense burners again!

Open the top of the box to reveal two interior holes for stick incense and two metal reservoirs for cone incense.

The top of the box is carved in a jali pattern to allow you to close the top and let the smoke from the burning incense waft gently out of the holes. As the incense burns, the ash will be contained in the box, allowing for easy disposal and cleaning.

Finally, opening a slot in the base of the box reveals a convenient location to store your unburned incense.


This incense box is decorated with the Sanskrit symbol for Om. Om is a sacred sound that many ancient texts consider to be the sound of the Universe from which all other sounds, and indeed Creation itself, arose.

Om chanting is a spiritual practice that transcends culture and religion that guides the chanter to look inward at themselves and outward toward their eternal connection to all aspects of Creation.

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