Moldavite Specimen- .5

Availability: In stock (1)

Moldavite is a deep green tektite glass that was formed when a meteorite struck what is now the Czech Republic nearly 15 million years ago. It has been highly prized for thousands of years for its beauty, rarity, and powerful transformative energy. Moldavite is still given as gifts from royalty to royalty and is believed by many to be the legendary green stone in the Holy Grail.

Moldavite’s high vibrational, other-worldly energy is easily perceived when holding even a small piece, often as a sensation of heat, tingling, or pulsing radiating from the stone, or as a rush of energy throughout the body. Working with Moldavite allows one to quicken their spiritual evolution through transformational change. On the way, be prepared to look at your deepest darkest fears, secrets, and shadows, as Moldavite brings to the surface that which you most need to recognize, honor, integrate, or clear. It connects you to your guides and expands your awareness, and is phenomenal for transformation, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation, cleansing, and protection.


Specimen weight: 0.5g

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