Singing Bowl Small - Tree of Life - Green - 31546

Availability: In stock (1)

Singing bowls have been used for musical and religious practices for over 1500 years. The natural and harmonious sound produced when the singing bowl is played ushers in a deep state of relaxation, which assists in reaching and maintaining a meditative state. Singing bowls are also used in chakra healing, sound therapy, Reiki, feng shui, space and energy clearing, stress relief, and many different types of music.

The Tree of Life is a fundamental archetype that appears in many cultures and belief systems. It represents our interconnectedness with all life, as well as our individual and collective potential for personal and spiritual growth. Like a tree, our roots are in the soil while our branches reach upwards toward the sky.

This bowl’s smaller size allows it to fit comfortably in the palm of the hand and to be easily transported.

This would be the perfect size for a child or adult who is learning to play.

Despite its smaller size, it easily produces a resonant, clear, ringing sound when played.

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